Spodobał Ci się mój blog Travel and Keep Fit i zastanawiasz się nad wspólnym projektem? Dobrze trafiłeś!
Jestem doświadczonym podróżnikiem, twórcą i mówcą. Jako jedyna blogerka podróżnicza z Polski mam tak szeroko zakrojone międzynarodowe projekty i współpracuje globalnie z destynacjami i markami na całym świecie.
Travel and Keep Fit założyłam w 2016 roku. Zbudowałam wokół niego międzynarodową markę i milionowy biznes, współpracując z ponad 200 agencjami turystycznymi, tourism boards i biurami podróży na całym świecie – od Karaibów, Stanów Zjednoczonych i Ameryki Środkowej, po Europę, Afryję, Indie i Azję; ponad 300 luksusowymi hotelami i znanymi markami – od lifestylu po technologię, Marriott, Olympus, Reebok, DJI, Samsung, Sony, L’Oreal, New Balance, KLM i Swiss.
Moje kanały w sieci śledzi obecnie ponad 500 tys. obserwatorów i czytelników z całego świata.
Moim celem jest tworzenie wysokiej jakości, angażujących i inspirujących artykułów, zdjęć i filmów, które pomagają promować destynacje, sprzedawać produkty lub zachęcać moich czytelników do podjęcia konkretnych działań. Sprawdź również zakładkę WYSTĄPIENIA i MEDIA.
Jeśli masz już jakiś pomysł na naszą współpracę, napisz proszę na:
Tymczasem ze swojej strony mogę zaproponować:

386 000

320 000

640 000
15 600
314 500
"Working with Alex at Lesante Collection Luxury Hotels & Resorts was a wonderful experience and one we would definitely wish to have again! Her expertise and professionalism is articulated within her content, with all photos and videos showcasing her spirit, creativity and artistic nature. The developed material for our hotels was of the highest quality, tantalizing the senses and imagination of the viewer for having this experience. Her personality made our partnership joyful and very easy, so it will be a pleasure to work with Alex again in the future."

"We collaborated with Alex on the Copenpay campaign because we were confident that her authentic approach and passion for travel would resonate with our target audience. Alex brought Copenhagen to life by capturing the city's unique blend of modern innovation and rich cultural heritage. Her storytelling and visual content were not only captivating but also perfectly aligned with the essence of what Copenpay offers—convenience and discovery in one of the world's most charming cities. The campaign was a resounding success, thanks to Alex's professionalism and her ability to engage her audience with genuine enthusiasm."
“We've joined forces with Alex already twice and we value our cooperation a lot! She is a reliable professional, who delivers high quality internet content, while paying attention to details and aesthetics. During coordination of our joint projects, we found Alex a communicative and easy to cooperate trustful partner. The style of her blog and social media content well matches our premium products.”

“Collaborating with Alex was an exceptional experience for us. Thanks to her authentic approach and creative promotional strategies, we achieved a significant increase in interest in our region. Alex skillfully showcased the unique attractions of Ras Al Khaimah, from picturesque landscapes to thrilling adventures. Her social media posts attracted a wide audience who enthusiastically engaged with her content, including posts, photos, and videos. Her authenticity and ability to create content that resonates with her audience were crucial to the success of our campaign. We can wholeheartedly recommend Alex as an influencer for collaborations in the tourism industry. Her passion, commitment, and professionalism are a guarantee of success for any promotional campaign.”

“Alex's unique ability to authentically connect with her audience and her beautifully crafted content consistently exceed expectations. Her professionalism and dedication shine through, making her a pleasure to work with.”

“We really appreciated the collaboration with Alex. She was very professional, easy to collaborate with and the content totally corresponded to what we expected. We particularly liked her enthusiasm that could be found in the posts she created. It will be a pleasure to welcome her again to our lovely destination.”

"We chose to collaborate with Alex because we considered that she is a genuine person that loves what she does and chose authentic experiences. Once we saw her content about Anakonda Amazon Cruises' experiences, we knew we did the right collaboration. She beautifully developed content that shows the true essence of the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest, and the main purpose of our cruise line in this exclusive and magical destination. What we liked the most is that Alex is professional and sensible, which allowed her to truly connect with local people and develop amazing storytelling that expresses the real experience with love and passion."

"We thought in Amàre Hotels that collaborating with Aleksandra would be a great idea and we could not be more right. Her lifestyle matches perfectly with the values of what we consider our hotels in Marbella and Ibiza incarnate: a deep love for travel, fashion, active lifestyle, and good Mediterranean vibes. She was extremely professional and as a result, the content she created was comprehensive, thorough, and fun. We are looking forward to working with her in the future. "

"The collaboration with Alex at Grand Hotel Kronenhof in Pontresina, Switzerland was a true pleasure for us. Thanks to her passion for practicing yoga, Alex was able to help us promoting our yoga offers in an authentic manner and with wonderfully inviting images. She is an easy person to work with and takes everything she does very serious trying to make herself, the cooperation partner as well as her followers happy with what she presents on her social media channels. Alex is always welcome to do another collaboration at Grand Hotel Kronenhof."

"We appreciated the collaboration with Alex, she was very professional, well prepared, working autonomous and she was handling well with the bad weather-days (which we don't have that often, but it can happen). The extra point in the cooperation concerns the bilingual articles in Polish and English."

"Our partnership went very well. The deliverables asked were accomplished. Alex did way more then we could ever imagine and did a terrific job with all the materials. Her blog posts about Madeira were extensive, detailed orientated with amazing, professional photographies. It was an example of professional, dedicated work that is very impressive, and we are very happy about this collaboration."

"Mieliśmy wielką przyjemność współpracować z Aleksandrą przy realizacji kampanii influencerskiej dla jednej z czołowych marek odzieżowych na pokskim rynku. Doskonała komunikacja, pełne zrozumienie briefu i oczekiwań Klienta, a także doświadczenie w realizacji takich projektów przełożyły się nie tylko na świetny content, ale przede wszystkim bardzo dobre wyniki zarówno jeśli chodzi o zasięg, zaangażowanie, a także klikalność, co było niezwykle istotne z perspektywy celów biznesowych. To już kolejna współpraca z Travel and Keep Fit zakończona pełnym sukcesem, a więc... do następnego!"

"Profesjonalizm, doskonała komunikacja. Praca z Alex to ogromna przyjemność. Przez ostatnie lata zrealizowaliśmy wiele wspólnych projektów. Alex testowała nasz sprzęt fotograficzny w wymagających warunkach podczas swoich niezwykłych podróży, na Wyspach Galapagos, w Amazonii, Himalajach czy Ameryce Południowej. W wyniku naszej współpracy powstały piękne zdjęcia oraz wspaniała książka Alex pt. Ameryka Południowa - śladami cudów natury."

"Our collaboration with Alex was a pure pleasure. She has this vibrant and genuine personality that can inspire others. We had a Yoga session with her together with the residents of Fushifaru and her energy was amazing. Her passion and positive lifestyle reflects on the social media content that she created for us, it was very extensive and wonderful. She’s fun and easy to work with and we definitely love to collaborate with her again in the near future."

"We appreciate the collaboration with Alex for a trip to Ladakh, India with Unplugged Life. She handled well with the high altitude as the trip was organized in the Trans Himalayas. She was very professional, well-prepared, and worked autonomously. Alex is an easy person to work with. We are looking forward to working with her in the future."

"So we have worked with Alex a couple of times during her trip to India. The last one to Leh was great as Alex was so easy to work with. Leh in winter was a difficult destination and few people found the trip a little difficult but Alex was so easygoing. We cant wait to get her to India again and to our other Asian destinations."

"The collaboration with Alex for her blog Travel and Keep Fit was simply wonderful and professional. Her clear vision of travel, and her passion for giving the best of each place, make her photos, stories, videos, and blogs become very relevant material for us and for the traveler. She managed to understand and communicate the heart of our boutique hotel with excellence, thank you Alex for your great work; all the material shared exceeded our expectations. It is an honor to work with you, you will always be welcome at Ecolirios."

"Thank you Alex for cooperation! We really appreciate this collaboration, after many experiences with different bloggers/influencers so that we can compare the quality of the outputs and publications. Even though we are a very busy team, Alex was very independent and punctual so she picked all the cherries from our region on top on her own, and she really knows how to travel and recognize the importance! The publications and pictures are highly professional, definitely our recommendations and best wishes!"

"Alex was not only kind, fun and a breeze to work with. She was professional and delivered more than expected. Her content was authentic and accurately reflected the brand – she also made sure to let me know how appreciative she was. I look forward to working with Alex this year and highly recommend her work."

"Alex was one of the participants of our group blogger trip we have organized in 2018 at Chania, aiming to showcase the destination. Our collaboration was fruitful and easy going with aesthetic resulting content and impressive social media coverage. Her easy going personality and positive attitude throughout the collaboration truly made a difference!"

"Alex jest jedną z najbardziej profesjonalnych i zaangażowanych Twórczyń Internetowych z jakimi miałem przyjemność współpracować. Jej prelekcje podczas naszych wydarzeń Influencers LIVE Wrocław i Businesswomen LIVE Conference zawsze przyciągają ogromne zainteresowanie i są bardzo dobrze oceniane. Szczerze polecam Alex jako prelegentkę lub do udziału akcjach reklamowych. Zawsze można na nią liczyć a przygotowane przez nią materiały są na najwyższym poziomie."

"We very much enjoyed working with Alex for her collaboration with The Retreat Costa Rica. Her content was on point with gorgeous imagery."

"We współpracy z Alex stworzyliśmy webinar w ramach projektu Influencer Academy, którego uczestniczkami były Brand Partnerki Oriflame z Europy Centralnej. Alex opracowała temat „How to be a mentor online”, który następnie zaprezentowała podczas live’a w dedykowanej grupie na Facebooku. Alex podeszła do zadania z pełnym profesjonalizmem, dotrzymała wszystkich terminów, a sam webinar przygotowała z ogromną starannością. Treści były uporządkowane, merytoryczne i zaprezentowane w łatwy do przyswojenia sposób. Uczestniczki również nie kryły zadowolenia po sesji treningowej z Alex. Każdemu życzyłabym takich współpracowniczek!"

"Jesteśmy niezwykle zadowoleni ze współpracy z Alex. Jej prelekcja dotycząca zarabiania na podróżach była unikatowa i przyciagnęła całą salę słuchaczy. Było konkretnie i ciekawie, a Alex z otwartością dzieliła się swoim wieloletnim doświadczeniem w branży podróżniczej. Po prelekcji miało miejsce tak wiele pytań i dyskusji, że Alex została ze słuchaczami dwa razy dłużej, niż trwało samo wystąpienie, co tylko pokazuje jak wciagający był to temat. Pełen profesjonalizm i widoczna ogromna pasja!"

"Alex, dziękuję, że byłaś na tegorocznej edycji Navigator Festival, stanowiłaś niezbędny pierwiastek programu naszej prestiżowej imprezy podróżniczej, opowiadając na pytanie „Jak podróżować po świecie i zarabiać na tym miliony”. Niezwykle ciekawa prelekcja w Twoim wykonaniu, profesjonalne przygotowanie udowodniły wiarygodność i autentyczność tego, co robisz. Otworzyłaś szerzej oczy setkom osób, które wyraźnie były pod Twoim wrażeniem. A zaplanowana godzina Twojej prezentacji nie była przypadkowa, gdyż okazała się być klamrą zamykającą festiwal pozostawiając słuchaczy zmotywowanych do działania😊"

"Alex tworzy fantastyczną markę! Podczas prelekcji o zarabianiu na podróżowaniu podczas 13.edycji Bydgoskiego Festiwalu Podróżnicy udowodniła, że niemożliwe nie istnieje. Jesteśmy bardzo zadowolone z treści jaką Alex przekazała pełnej sali słuchaczy. Wywołała niejedną dyskusję w kuluarach i ogromne zainteresowanie. Po raz pierwszy gościliśmy blogerkę, której udało się samej stworzyć rozpoznawalną markę.Tylko ciężka praca i konsekwencja w działaniu prowadzi do sukcesu! To była inspirujące, interesujące i konkretne wystąpienie. Dziękujemy!"

"We've had the pleasure to work with Alex on our first Brand Awareness Campaign in Poland and highly appreciate her effort! She shared an amazing experience with her audience and helped us introduced GetYourGuide to her Polish community."

"Alex has been a great collaborator to work with. We chose to work with her due to her extensive experience in travel and capturing the essence of truly luxurious getaways around the world. Her content is top-notch and exceeded our expectations. The attention to detail and quality of the images and videos are impressive. We look forward to seeing Alex at the Stafford Bungalow again soon."

"It was such a pleasure working with Alex. Before her arrival, communication was always professional and timely. And once at Sri Sharavi Beach Villas & Spa, it was clear she had done her research - understanding what makes our property special – as we provide guests with exemplary comforts and impeccable service. Her elegant style, and therefore the content she produced, was a perfect match for our secluded hideaway nestled between the tropical sun and the azure ocean waters of the Indian Ocean, on Sri Lanka's southern coast."

"I cannot recommend Alex enough! Her collaboration with Malabar Hill in Sri Lanka has been nothing short of extraordinary. Her genuine enthusiasm and passion created captivating content that created genuine enthusiasm not only among our own and existing followers but among many more potential travelers to Sri Lanka and therefore guests to us. She succeeded in bringing the essence of our beautiful destination and resort to life, inspiring countless more travelers to experience its beauty and offering through her medium. Her professionalism, creativity, and ability to connect with her audience make her an invaluable partner to us, an influencer who can truly showcase the very essence the destination offers. Working with her has been an absolute pleasure - I would not hesitate to work with her again."

"Alexandra's dedication to her craft shines through in every aspect of her work, making her a standout travel blogger in the industry. Her impeccable work ethic is evident in the meticulous attention to detail she brings to her campaigns, ensuring that every aspect of her content is polished to perfection. Through vivid descriptions, stunning photography, and insightful commentary, she effortlessly transports her audience to the Cinnamon Bentota Beach. Whether it's through her engaging Social Media posts or her captivating travel blog, Alexandra consistently delivers content of the highest caliber. Her work not only informs but also ignites a sense of wanderlust and inspires a longing to explore the world's wonders."

"Our collaboration with Alex went very well. She is a very professional person, who prepared in advance her trip to take the best benefit of what the Azores Islands have to offer as well engage with her followers. Her care with the all the content she publishes is remarkable! Thanks Alex for your dedication!"

"Collaborating with Alex was a great experience. Her professionalism and dedication were evident from the very beginning of our partnership with The Pearl Portfolio. Alex reviewed a small collection of privately owned luxury boutique hotels in Sri Lanka and produced exceptional content that truly captured the unique charm and elegance of each property. Her stunning visuals and compelling narratives on her social media platforms and blog engaged her audience and effectively promoted our brand. Her professionalism, reliability, and commitment to excellence make her an invaluable partner. We highly recommend Alex to any brand seeking a talented and professional content creator and travel blogger who delivers top-tier, results-driven content."

Lesante Collection Luxury Hotels & Resorts
"Working with Alex at Lesante Collection Luxury Hotels & Resorts was a wonderful experience and one we would definitely wish to have again! Her expertise and professionalism is articulated within her content, with all photos and videos showcasing her spirit, creativity and artistic nature. The developed material for our hotels was of the highest quality, tantalizing the senses and imagination of the viewer for having this experience. Her personality made our partnership joyful and very easy, so it will be a pleasure to work with Alex again in the future."
Senior Marketing Manager Wonderful Copenhagen
"We collaborated with Alex on the Copenpay campaign because we were confident that her authentic approach and passion for travel would resonate with our target audience. Alex brought Copenhagen to life by capturing the city's unique blend of modern innovation and rich cultural heritage. Her storytelling and visual content were not only captivating but also perfectly aligned with the essence of what Copenpay offers—convenience and discovery in one of the world's most charming cities. The campaign was a resounding success, thanks to Alex's professionalism and her ability to engage her audience with genuine enthusiasm."

“We've joined forces with Alex already twice and we value our cooperation a lot! She is a reliable professional, who delivers high quality internet content, while paying attention to details and aesthetics. During coordination of our joint projects, we found Alex a communicative and easy to cooperate trustful partner. The style of her blog and social media content well matches our premium products.”

CEO, Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority
“Collaborating with Alex was an exceptional experience for us. Thanks to her authentic approach and creative promotional strategies, we achieved a significant increase in interest in our region. Alex skillfully showcased the unique attractions of Ras Al Khaimah, from picturesque landscapes to thrilling adventures. Her social media posts attracted a wide audience who enthusiastically engaged with her content, including posts, photos, and videos. Her authenticity and ability to create content that resonates with her audience were crucial to the success of our campaign. We can wholeheartedly recommend Alex as an influencer for collaborations in the tourism industry. Her passion, commitment, and professionalism are a guarantee of success for any promotional campaign.”

“Alex's unique ability to authentically connect with her audience and her beautifully crafted content consistently exceed expectations. Her professionalism and dedication shine through, making her a pleasure to work with.”

Sri Sharavi Beach Villas & Spa, Sri Lanka
"It was such a pleasure working with Alex. Before her arrival, communication was always professional and timely. And once at Sri Sharavi Beach Villas & Spa, it was clear she had done her research - understanding what makes our property special – as we provide guests with exemplary comforts and impeccable service. Her elegant style, and therefore the content she produced, was a perfect match for our secluded hideaway nestled between the tropical sun and the azure ocean waters of the Indian Ocean, on Sri Lanka's southern coast."

Reservations Executive, Malabar Hill Sri Lanka
"I cannot recommend Alex enough! Her collaboration with Malabar Hill in Sri Lanka has been nothing short of extraordinary. Her genuine enthusiasm and passion created captivating content that created genuine enthusiasm not only among our own and existing followers but among many more potential travelers to Sri Lanka and therefore guests to us. She succeeded in bringing the essence of our beautiful destination and resort to life, inspiring countless more travelers to experience its beauty and offering through her medium. Her professionalism, creativity, and ability to connect with her audience make her an invaluable partner to us, an influencer who can truly showcase the very essence the destination offers. Working with her has been an absolute pleasure - I would not hesitate to work with her again."

Assistant Manager, Social Media, Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts
"Alexandra's dedication to her craft shines through in every aspect of her work, making her a standout travel blogger in the industry. Her impeccable work ethic is evident in the meticulous attention to detail she brings to her campaigns, ensuring that every aspect of her content is polished to perfection. Through vivid descriptions, stunning photography, and insightful commentary, she effortlessly transports her audience to the Cinnamon Bentota Beach. Whether it's through her engaging Social Media posts or her captivating travel blog, Alexandra consistently delivers content of the highest caliber. Her work not only informs but also ignites a sense of wanderlust and inspires a longing to explore the world's wonders."

Business Development Manager, Anakonda Amazon Cruises
"We chose to collaborate with Alex because we considered that she is a genuine person that loves what she does and chose authentic experiences. Once we saw her content about Anakonda Amazon Cruises' experiences, we knew we did the right collaboration. She beautifully developed content that shows the true essence of the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest, and the main purpose of our cruise line in this exclusive and magical destination. What we liked the most is that Alex is professional and sensible, which allowed her to truly connect with local people and develop amazing storytelling that expresses the real experience with love and passion."

Amàre Hotels Marketing Director
"We thought in Amàre Hotels that collaborating with Aleksandra would be a great idea and we could not be more right. Her lifestyle matches perfectly with the values of what we consider our hotels in Marbella and Ibiza incarnate: a deep love for travel, fashion, active lifestyle, and good Mediterranean vibes. She was extremely professional and as a result, the content she created was comprehensive, thorough, and fun. We are looking forward to working with her in the future."

Grand Hotel Kronenhof Pontresina - St. Moritz Manager PR & Social Media
"The collaboration with Alex at Grand Hotel Kronenhof in Pontresina, Switzerland was a true pleasure for us. Thanks to her passion for practicing yoga, Alex was able to help us promoting our yoga offers in an authentic manner and with wonderfully inviting images. She is an easy person to work with and takes everything she does very seriously trying to make herself, the cooperation partner as well as her followers happy with what she presents on her social media channels. Alex is always welcome to do another collaboration at Grand Hotel Kronenhof."

Public Relation, IDM Südtirol
"We appreciated the collaboration with Alex, she was very professional, well prepared, working autonomous and she was handling well with the bad weather-days (which we don't have that often, but it can happen). The extra point in the cooperation concerns the bilingual articles in Polish and English."

Media Relation Specialist, Madeira Tourism Board
"Our partnership went very well. The deliverables asked were accomplished. Alex did way more than we could ever imagine and did a terrific job with all the materials. Her blog posts about Madeira were extensive, detailed orientated with amazing, professional photographs. It was an example of professional, dedicated work that is very impressive, and we are very happy about this collaboration."

Digital Media Specialist, INACZEJ KOLEKTYW
"Mieliśmy wielką przyjemność współpracować z Aleksandrą przy realizacji kampanii influencerskiej dla jednej z czołowych marek odzieżowych na pokskim rynku. Doskonała komunikacja, pełne zrozumienie briefu i oczekiwań Klienta, a także doświadczenie w realizacji takich projektów przełożyły się nie tylko na świetny content, ale przede wszystkim bardzo dobre wyniki zarówno jeśli chodzi o zasięg, zaangażowanie, a także klikalność, co było niezwykle istotne z perspektywy celów biznesowych. To już kolejna współpraca z Travel and Keep Fit zakończona pełnym sukcesem, a więc... do następnego!"

OM Digital Solutions
"Profesjonalizm, doskonała komunikacja. Praca z Alex to ogromna przyjemność. Przez ostatnie lata zrealizowaliśmy wiele wspólnych projektów. Alex testowała nasz sprzęt fotograficzny w wymagających warunkach podczas swoich niezwykłych podróży, na Wyspach Galapagos, w Amazonii, Himalajach czy Ameryce Południowej. W wyniku naszej współpracy powstały piękne zdjęcia oraz wspaniała książka Alex pt. Ameryka Południowa - śladami cudów natury."

General Manager of Fushifaru Maldives
"Our collaboration with Alex was a pure pleasure. She has this vibrant and genuine personality that can inspire others. We had a Yoga session with her together with the residents of Fushifaru and her energy was amazing. Her passion and positive lifestyle reflects on the social media content that she created for us, it was very extensive and wonderful. She’s fun and easy to work with and we definitely love to collaborate with her again in the near future."

Unplugged Life
"We appreciate the collaboration with Alex for a trip to Ladakh, India with Unplugged Life. She handled well with the high altitude as the trip was organized in the Trans Himalayas. She was very professional, well-prepared, and worked autonomously. Alex is an easy person to work with. We are looking forward to working with her in the future."

India Someday, Co-Founder
"So we have worked with Alex a couple of times during her trip to India. The last one to Leh was great as Alex was so easy to work with. Leh in winter was a difficult destination and few people found the trip a little difficult but Alex was so easygoing. We can't wait to get her to India again and to our other Asian destinations."

Ecolirios Costa Rica
"The collaboration with Alex for her blog Travel and Keep Fit was simply wonderful and professional. Her clear vision of travel, and her passion for giving the best of each place, make her photos, stories, videos, and blogs become very relevant material for us and for the traveler. She managed to understand and communicate the heart of our boutique hotel with excellence, thank you Alex for your great work; all the material shared exceeded our expectations. It is an honor to work with you, you will always be welcome at Ecolirios."

Región Vysoké Tatry, Executive Director
"Thank you Alex for cooperation! We really appreciate this collaboration, after many experiences with different bloggers/influencers so that we can compare the quality of the outputs and publications. Even though we are a very busy team, Alex was very independent and punctual so she picked all the cherries from our region on top on her own, and she really knows how to travel and recognize the importance! The publications and pictures are highly professional, definitely our recommendations and best wishes!"

Account Executive, Public Relations, Royal Caribbean International
"Alex was not only kind, fun and a breeze to work with. She was professional and delivered more than expected. Her content was authentic and accurately reflected the brand – she also made sure to let me know how appreciative she was. I look forward to working with Alex this year and highly recommend her work."

Discover Greece, International PR & Communications Executive
"Alex was one of the participants of our group blogger trip we have organized in 2018 at Chania, aiming to showcase the destination. Our collaboration was fruitful and easy going with aesthetic resulting content and impressive social media coverage. Her easy going personality and positive attitude throughout the collaboration truly made a difference!"

Influencers LIVE Wrocław
"Alex jest jedną z najbardziej profesjonalnych i zaangażowanych Twórczyń Internetowych z jakimi miałem przyjemność współpracować. Jej prelekcje podczas naszych wydarzeń Influencers LIVE Wrocław i Businesswomen LIVE Conference zawsze przyciągają ogromne zainteresowanie i są bardzo dobrze oceniane. Szczerze polecam Alex jako prelegentkę lub do udziału akcjach reklamowych. Zawsze można na nią liczyć a przygotowane przez nią materiały są na najwyższym poziomie."

Principal, Marguarite Clark PR
"We very much enjoyed working with Alex for her collaboration with The Retreat Costa Rica. Her content was on point with gorgeous imagery."

Oriflame Poland
"We współpracy z Alex stworzyliśmy webinar w ramach projektu Influencer Academy, którego uczestniczkami były Brand Partnerki Oriflame z Europy Centralnej. Alex opracowała temat „How to be a mentor online”, który następnie zaprezentowała podczas live’a w dedykowanej grupie na Facebooku. Alex podeszła do zadania z pełnym profesjonalizmem, dotrzymała wszystkich terminów, a sam webinar przygotowała z ogromną starannością. Treści były uporządkowane, merytoryczne i zaprezentowane w łatwy do przyswojenia sposób. Uczestniczki również nie kryły zadowolenia po sesji treningowej z Alex. Każdemu życzyłabym takich współpracowniczek!"

ITTF Warsaw Międzynarodowe Targi Turystyczne
"Jesteśmy niezwykle zadowoleni ze współpracy z Alex. Jej prelekcja dotycząca zarabiania na podróżach była unikatowa i przyciagnęła całą salę słuchaczy. Było konkretnie i ciekawie, a Alex z otwartością dzieliła się swoim wieloletnim doświadczeniem w branży podróżniczej. Po prelekcji miało miejsce tak wiele pytań i dyskusji, że Alex została ze słuchaczami dwa razy dłużej, niż trwało samo wystąpienie, co tylko pokazuje jak wciagający był to temat. Pełen profesjonalizm i widoczna ogromna pasja!"

Navigator Festival, Nowohuckie Centrum Kultury
"Alex, dziękuję, że byłaś na tegorocznej edycji Navigator Festival, stanowiłaś niezbędny pierwiastek programu naszej prestiżowej imprezy podróżniczej, opowiadając na pytanie „Jak podróżować po świecie i zarabiać na tym miliony”. Niezwykle ciekawa prelekcja w Twoim wykonaniu, profesjonalne przygotowanie udowodniły wiarygodność i autentyczność tego, co robisz. Otworzyłaś szerzej oczy setkom osób, które wyraźnie były pod Twoim wrażeniem. A zaplanowana godzina Twojej prezentacji nie była przypadkowa, gdyż okazała się być klamrą zamykającą festiwal pozostawiając słuchaczy zmotywowanych do działania😊"

Organizatorki Festiwalu "Podróżnicy"
"Alex tworzy fantastyczną markę! Podczas prelekcji o zarabianiu na podróżowaniu podczas 13.edycji Bydgoskiego Festiwalu Podróżnicy udowodniła, że niemożliwe nie istnieje. Jesteśmy bardzo zadowolone z treści jaką Alex przekazała pełnej sali słuchaczy. Wywołała niejedną dyskusję w kuluarach i ogromne zainteresowanie. Po raz pierwszy gościliśmy blogerkę, której udało się samej stworzyć rozpoznawalną markę. Tylko ciężka praca i konsekwencja w działaniu prowadzi do sukcesu! To była inspirujące, interesujące i konkretne wystąpienie. Dziękujemy!"

Influencer Marketing Manager at GetYourGuide
"We've had the pleasure to work with Alex on our first Brand Awareness Campaign in Poland and highly appreciate her effort! She shared an amazing experience with her audience and helped us introduced GetYourGuide to her Polish community."

Stafford Estate Bungalow, Sri Lanka
"Alex has been a great collaborator to work with. We chose to work with her due to her extensive experience in travel and capturing the essence of truly luxurious getaways around the world. Her content is top-notch and exceeded our expectations. The attention to detail and quality of the images and videos are impressive. We look forward to seeing Alex at the Stafford Bungalow again soon."

Visit Azores Department of Communication and Tourism Promotion
"Our collaboration with Alex went very well. She is a very professional person, who prepared in advance her trip to take the best benefit of what the Azores Islands have to offer as well engage with her followers. Her care with the all the content she publishes is remarkable! Thanks Alex for your dedication!"

The Pearl Portfolio
"Collaborating with Alex was a great experience. Her professionalism and dedication were evident from the very beginning of our partnership with The Pearl Portfolio. Alex reviewed a small collection of privately owned luxury boutique hotels in Sri Lanka and produced exceptional content that truly captured the unique charm and elegance of each property. Her stunning visuals and compelling narratives on her social media platforms and blog engaged her audience and effectively promoted our brand. Her professionalism, reliability, and commitment to excellence make her an invaluable partner. We highly recommend Alex to any brand seeking a talented and professional content creator and travel blogger who delivers top-tier, results-driven content."
Organizacje turystyczne